Sunday 22 April 2012

Artist Review: Harry

It has been so long since I last wrote anything on here, it has been giving me pangs of guilt every time I checked my email and found a beautiful comment or a new artist update. But I'm back now and the first thing I'm gonna do is tell you about a great new artist!
Harry is a singer-songwriter from London (UK), with a sweet voice and a much mature outlook towards life than could be expected from kids his age. At just sixteen, Harry has succeeded in creating a medley of beautiful  tunes that touch your heart, whatever your age may be. His music portrays the innocence of youth with an uncanny peek at the mature soul inside. He has an easygoing, earnest manner of singing that is soothing to the ears. 

'This Is War' is a song that has an Enya-esque quality to it. Harry sings of war with such a calm demeanor that completely contradicts the nature of the idea that the lyrics convey. Most teen artists talk of being who you are, of being free and wild. Harry talks of being cautious, keeping your head down and being inside a shell. Of a life where enemies hide behind every corner and lurk in every shadow.
This Is War has the music that can lull you into believing he isn't warning you of a vicious war at all! Instead, it feels as if he is telling you of a faraway time when some faceless strangers fought their wars and left memories of the bloodshed; to be recounted by loving mothers to their little ones while they are being tucked into warm beds. Nowhere is the music harsh or exactly “war-like”. It kinda reminds one of The Call by Regina Spektor. The ribbons of string instruments in the background build up to an excellent, classical-inspired climax. This could be a perfect song to be considered for the next Hunger Games movie soundtrack. 

Harry's second song, ‘Bicycle that can fly’ shows the vulnerability of a lost child as analyzed by an adult mind. The song was apparently written when he was just ten years old. I wouldn't venture as far as to say that he had a really deep meaning in his mind when he wrote it originally. But maybe now, for people who listen to it at a much older age, it definitely has some philosophical connotations. The music is simple and elegant and accentuates his voice instead of drowning it out in a melee of instruments. The ribbons of cello in the background give the song a poignant quality. The minimal use of acoustic guitar evokes the feeling of a sunny day and fluffy clouds. The video is a dash of eccentric genius! Definitely something to make a note of.

I like how the strongest element in both songs is Harry’s voice, which is untouched by any kind of fancy filters or effects. His ability to emote the lyrics that he is singing is what makes the songs have the impact that they do. I guess some people are just born with oodles of talent, eh? Anywho, here is a sample of some of Harry's other songs. And you'll have to admit, these are just as great as the two I just reviewed. Enjoy these until I return next time with another interesting post. :)

Verdict: Harry is definitely an artist to watch out for. He just might be the next big thing!

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